This is a series of tutorials to help you get started with dataherb
Herbs and Flora¤
The name Dataherb is a metaphor. Each data file is like a Leaf (or Resource) of a Herb (or Dataset). Many Herbs form a Flora.
Dataherb Term | Meaning |
Herb | A Dataset |
Resource | A Data File |
Leaf and Resource
Leaf is an alias of Resource.
Managing the Flora¤
This python package ships a command line tool that can be used to manage the Flora.
The core of a flora is basically a json file that lists the metadata of herbs. The default flora can be configured using dataherb configure
Using this configuration, we can simply store the json representing the flora and recreate the whole flora on other devices.
Sync the Flora to GitHub
For example, we can version control the flora and push it to GitHub and pull it down on other devices. In this way, we can sync and restore the flora.