Planets in the Solar System
• [ #Astronomy ]
DataHerb Metadata
- DataHerb ID:
- DataHerb Name: Planets in the Solar System
- Contributors: Interplanetary Immigration Center
- Description: List of the 8 planets in the solar system and their properties
- GitHub Repository: InterImm/dataset-planets-in-solar-system
- Licenses:
DataHerb Leaves: Files in Dataset
- Name: planets in the solar system in csv format
- Format: csv
- Size: 714B
- name: name of the planet
- equatorial_diameter: equatorial diameter measured relative to Earth
- mass: mass of the planet measured relative to Earth
- semi_major_axis: semi-major axis in unit of AU
- orbital_period: orbital period in unit of years
- inclination_to_suns_equator: inclination to sun equator in unit of degrees
- orbital_eccentricity: orbital eccentricity
- rotation_period: rotation period in unit of days
- confirmed_moons: confirmed moons
- axial_tilt: axial tilt in unit of degrees
- rings: does the planet have rings
- atmosphere: composition of atmosphere
Import Data
import pandas as pd
url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url)
- Name: planets in the solar system in json format
- Format: json
- Size: 2.7K
- name: name of the planet
- equatorial_diameter: equatorial diameter measured relative to Earth
- mass: mass of the planet measured relative to Earth
- semi_major_axis: semi-major axis in unit of AU
- orbital_period: orbital period in unit of years
- inclination_to_suns_equator: inclination to sun equator in unit of degrees
- orbital_eccentricity: orbital eccentricity
- rotation_period: rotation period in unit of days
- confirmed_moons: confirmed moons
- axial_tilt: axial tilt in unit of degrees
- rings: does the planet have rings
- atmosphere: composition of atmosphere
Import Data
import pandas as pd
url = ""
df = pd.read_json(url)